a three-bedroom family country house on a 7,700 sqm land
The project site is a 7,700 sqm land in Leongatha. The proposed scheme sit on a hill with great outlooks to country and the town of Leongatha. The dwelling is positioned asymmetrically to frame the arrival experience. The design consists a dam at the low side of the land to collect water on site. Orchards located at the entryway frame the views on arrival through the meandering access road to the dwelling.
The folding roof geometry creates expanding outward views from the living spaces, addressing both town and country outlooks. The compression toward the centre creates an upward sweep toward the corner, forming a welcoming address to the arrival experience. The folded roof geometry also allow rainwater to be directed and free fall from specific points into rock bed rain gardens below, elevating the sense of arrival during rain days.

01 // Dwelling as interconnected pavilions
The dwelling is made of three pavilions - a primary living pavilion, with sleeping, and guest pavilion behind. The clustered arrangement enable a split level plan to be used with the more private pavilions stepping up the slope.

02 // Glazed Breezeways
The three pavilions are linked together with glazed breezeways. This provides an enhanced degree of privacy for both the sleeping pavilion and guest pavilion, but also enable the guest pavilion to be closed off from the rest of the dwelling when unoccupied.

03 // Orienting the dwelling for arrival
The forms of the roof and balcony are spun at an angle to the living pavilion to provide a sense of address to those arriving and also to frame the eastern entry.

04 // Folded roof form
The roof is folded to create expanding outward views from the living spaces, addressing both the town and country outlooks. The compression towards the centre creates an upward sweep toward the corners, which also offers a welcoming address to those arriving.

05 // Rainwater collection
The geometry of the folded roof is designed to allow rainwater to free fall from specific points into rock bed and rain gardens below. This elevated the sense of arrival on rainy days and the central valley of the roof in particular, sets up a potential connection to landscape where its geometry is carried outward to a numbers of elements including water rill, base plinth orchard, and driveway orientation.